I kept saying that I wasn't going to write another post until I had some exciting news...so here it is: I got a job! Most people don't realize this, but there is no longer a shortage of pharmacists. Unfortunately, there are no more $20,000 sign on bonuses and jobs for new grads are in fact few and far between. I have many friends who will be graduating with me in 2 weeks and still don't have post-graduation plans. I sent resumes to probably 30 companies or more, and I was really getting stressed out that I had worked so hard for 4 years and I couldn't find anything. I had a couple leads, but my pharmacy manager at Target kept telling me that things might work out with Target, just give it some time. In the end, he was right! Starting May 23, I will be working as a pharmacist for Target. I will be floating in the Raleigh/Durham area, with occasional trips down east. My ultimate goal is to get a store, but I am ecstatic to begin my career floating for Target. I'm sure my pharmacy manager had more to do with this than I know, so here's to you, Mike Carter, for always believing in me, pulling for me, and fighting for me.
Now that I have not had to worry about finding a job, I have had time for other things that I like to do. I've gotten to spend many more stress-free nights at home. Unfortunately, my rotation this month is in Hollister, NC, making my days 7am until 7pm with 3 of those hours in the car. I am very excited that I only have 4 more days of rotation and just over 2 weeks until graduation. Here are just a few things I have been up to...
I made these cupcakes for a friend's bachelorette party last week. Chris said they were the best cupcakes he has ever had...which means they must be good! Here is the recipe :) |