Obviously I'm not very good at blogging. I kind of enjoy changing the background color more than I do writing. It's not that I don't want to write, it's just that my life really isn't that exciting and there's not a whole lot going on that I really think anyone would want to read about. So now I am sitting here in my bathrobe while Chris plays video games on the new TV that I let him get (yes, I actually make money now, so I get to "let him get" stuff), blogging. Because I would rather bore my readers (all 2 of you) with stories that you probably don't care about, than fold more laundry or vacuum. For 2 people, we sure have a lot of laundry.
People who know me well know how much I love making lists. So now I am going to make you a list of what's been going on lately:
1. Tim McGraw concert - normally this would not be very exciting to anyone but me since I am in love with Tim McGraw and have been for a long time. Chris got me tickets for my birthday and they were actually in seats, which was a new experience for me (I have always been on the lawn). They were on the isle in the front half of the back section of seats. Chris was disappointed they weren't closer, but I was just happy that drunk dancing people would not take over my space while I was drooling over Tim. We waited and waited for Tim to come out and *surprise*! There was a platform just across the isle from us and that's where he started his show - like 15 feet away from me. It was pretty amazing. Had I fought the crowd and giant security men I probably could have touched him, or at least his cane. Yes, he was using a cane. Not because he's old, but because he broke his foot. But he did look old, and kind of frail. But that doesn't matter. Happy birthday to me!
2. New car - my 2000 Toyota Camry started to make some funny noises, and since I"m driving so much for work it's important that I have a reliable car. So we traded my old car in for a brand spanking new 2011 Toyota RAV4. I feel so much cooler now and slightly like I should have a car seat in the back. The car seat will have to wait a (long) while, but I really do enjoy driving my new car. In fact, I have put 800 miles on it in a week (see why it's important for me to have a reliable car?!)
3. No more money - just kidding. But really, we just bought a new car and a new TV. I think it's time to start saving.
4. Work - all the time. I really only work 42 hours a week, but between driving long distances and working long hours 4 days a week, I feel like I work all the time. Especially since when I get home I have to clean, do laundry, etc. And then I spend my days off trying to recover from being on my feet 9-13 hours the days I work. I don't get to cook dinner as much as I'd like and certainly don't have time for all that scrapbooking I had planned to do. Hopefully this won't last forever though. One day I will be assigned a store and hopefully will work shorter hours and not have the stress of going to new pharmacies every day. On the positive side I get to drive my new car! And I have some interesting stories.
So I will leave you with this true story:
A lady came to the consultation window asking for help deciphering her doctor's chicken scratch regarding a colonoscopy prep. It was pretty standard - Miralax and Gatorade. I showed her to the Miralax, pointed her in the direction of the Gatorade, explained to her what to do with them, and talked with her about her upcoming procedure. Simple right? She came back a couple minutes later holding blue gatorade very upset. She did not want blue gatorade. Here is how our (second) conversation went:
Me: Can I help you with something?
Guest (at Target, customers are our guests, even if they don't act like it): What if I don't want blue Gatorade?
Me: Well, there are lots of colors/flavors to choose from. You should probably stay away from red or purple since it may look like blood if any is still in your system during your procedure. Yellow would probably be a good choice.
Guest: What kind of Gatorade would I like?
Me: I don't know. I would recommend yellow.
Guest: If you can't help me then maybe I should talk with someone who actually knows about colonoscopies.
Clearly, my doctor of pharmacy degree has failed me. How did I get through 4 years of grueling coursework and not learn the best flavor of Gatorade?!
In my next life I will be a housewife/baker.
Home with the Hopperts
Monday, August 8, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I kept saying that I wasn't going to write another post until I had some exciting news...so here it is: I got a job! Most people don't realize this, but there is no longer a shortage of pharmacists. Unfortunately, there are no more $20,000 sign on bonuses and jobs for new grads are in fact few and far between. I have many friends who will be graduating with me in 2 weeks and still don't have post-graduation plans. I sent resumes to probably 30 companies or more, and I was really getting stressed out that I had worked so hard for 4 years and I couldn't find anything. I had a couple leads, but my pharmacy manager at Target kept telling me that things might work out with Target, just give it some time. In the end, he was right! Starting May 23, I will be working as a pharmacist for Target. I will be floating in the Raleigh/Durham area, with occasional trips down east. My ultimate goal is to get a store, but I am ecstatic to begin my career floating for Target. I'm sure my pharmacy manager had more to do with this than I know, so here's to you, Mike Carter, for always believing in me, pulling for me, and fighting for me.
Now that I have not had to worry about finding a job, I have had time for other things that I like to do. I've gotten to spend many more stress-free nights at home. Unfortunately, my rotation this month is in Hollister, NC, making my days 7am until 7pm with 3 of those hours in the car. I am very excited that I only have 4 more days of rotation and just over 2 weeks until graduation. Here are just a few things I have been up to...
Now that I have not had to worry about finding a job, I have had time for other things that I like to do. I've gotten to spend many more stress-free nights at home. Unfortunately, my rotation this month is in Hollister, NC, making my days 7am until 7pm with 3 of those hours in the car. I am very excited that I only have 4 more days of rotation and just over 2 weeks until graduation. Here are just a few things I have been up to...
I made these cupcakes for a friend's bachelorette party last week. Chris said they were the best cupcakes he has ever had...which means they must be good! Here is the recipe :) |
I made these chicken burrito enchiladas and they were amazing! sorry I couldn't get this last picture to turn right-side-up! |
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tonight, Chris and I did something that we hardly ever do: he planned a spontaneous dinner out. When he asked me what our dinner plans were, I told him that we would either have leftovers or he could get take-out on the way home from work. He then told me to "make myself beautiful" (which is his way of telling me to wear something other than sweat pants) and he would be home in half an hour. We ended up going to a restaurant one of Chris's co-workers recommended called Gravy in downtown Raleigh. It is an Italian restaurant with a great atmosphere and reasonable prices. While we were there, our waitress told us about Triangle Restaurant Week, during which certain restaurants in the triangle feature a set, three-course menu at a set price. Given more time and money I would love to try some of the other restaurants participating in resaurant week. I think it is a really cool concept, and I do love good food!
We elected not to order the featured set menu and instead got the portabello gnocci and chicken parmesan. Both meals were delicious and we both cleaned our plates. It was so nice to sit an have a real conversation about our days and plans with no distractions. We splurged even more and each got dessert too...tiramisu and pistachio cream. I wish I would have brought my camera to take pictures of the presentation. Everything was perfect.
Of course, we came home to dog throw up on the carpet. Back to reality...
We elected not to order the featured set menu and instead got the portabello gnocci and chicken parmesan. Both meals were delicious and we both cleaned our plates. It was so nice to sit an have a real conversation about our days and plans with no distractions. We splurged even more and each got dessert too...tiramisu and pistachio cream. I wish I would have brought my camera to take pictures of the presentation. Everything was perfect.
Of course, we came home to dog throw up on the carpet. Back to reality...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ready for a New Year
Obviously I must have been super busy lately...too busy to blog! Actually that's not true, I just haven't had much to write about. To sum up the last month:
The holidays were...interesting. This year, I spent Christmas with Chris and his family up in Baltimore. This was the first year I spent Christmas away from my family and it was a little tough. 1) I got an email on Christmas Eve to tell me that I didn't get the job at Target that I was really hoping for. I had applied and interviewed at the beginning of November and got lots of positive feedback. Despite my best efforts, I had really gotten my hopes up that I would get it. 2) Due to the impending snow in NC, Chris's family left on Christmas Day to come back home. We didn't really eat a meal together, which is my favorite part of the holidays. 3) We came home to this:
Our Christmas tree exploded with aphids while we were gone. There were thousands of them, everywhere. So, needless to say, we took down our Christmas decorations that day and Christmas was over.
Anyone who knows us well knows that 2010 was a rough year for us. New Years Eve was big because it meant we could start over and hope for a better year in 2011. We are still dealing with some of what happened last year, but overall we are working hard to make this year a good one. I have started my 5th rotation and I spend almost every evening applying for jobs. So far I have sent out 18 resumes to pharmacies in the Raleigh area, 15 of which are not hiring. I definitely had no idea when I started pharmacy school that finding a job would be so difficult. We plan to stay in the Raleigh area because we like it, it's close to family, and because Chris has a job here that he loves, but unfortunately the area is already saturated with pharmacists. Even though I haven't found anything yet, we are confident that eventually something will open up.
Last weekend I went to Statesville and Morganton to visit my family, which was awesome. I am reminded every time I am around them that I am loved just the way I am, which was exactly what I needed. I can only hope that I provide my family with as much peace and happiness as they provide me.
No matter what goes wrong in our lives, Chris and I know that we always have each other, and the one thing in our lives that will always be perfect:
Bring it on, 2011. We're ready!
The holidays were...interesting. This year, I spent Christmas with Chris and his family up in Baltimore. This was the first year I spent Christmas away from my family and it was a little tough. 1) I got an email on Christmas Eve to tell me that I didn't get the job at Target that I was really hoping for. I had applied and interviewed at the beginning of November and got lots of positive feedback. Despite my best efforts, I had really gotten my hopes up that I would get it. 2) Due to the impending snow in NC, Chris's family left on Christmas Day to come back home. We didn't really eat a meal together, which is my favorite part of the holidays. 3) We came home to this:
Our Christmas tree exploded with aphids while we were gone. There were thousands of them, everywhere. So, needless to say, we took down our Christmas decorations that day and Christmas was over.
Anyone who knows us well knows that 2010 was a rough year for us. New Years Eve was big because it meant we could start over and hope for a better year in 2011. We are still dealing with some of what happened last year, but overall we are working hard to make this year a good one. I have started my 5th rotation and I spend almost every evening applying for jobs. So far I have sent out 18 resumes to pharmacies in the Raleigh area, 15 of which are not hiring. I definitely had no idea when I started pharmacy school that finding a job would be so difficult. We plan to stay in the Raleigh area because we like it, it's close to family, and because Chris has a job here that he loves, but unfortunately the area is already saturated with pharmacists. Even though I haven't found anything yet, we are confident that eventually something will open up.
Last weekend I went to Statesville and Morganton to visit my family, which was awesome. I am reminded every time I am around them that I am loved just the way I am, which was exactly what I needed. I can only hope that I provide my family with as much peace and happiness as they provide me.
No matter what goes wrong in our lives, Chris and I know that we always have each other, and the one thing in our lives that will always be perfect:
Bring it on, 2011. We're ready!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Winter Vacation
Last weekend Chris and I went up to the NC mountains for a little vacation. He took Thursday and Friday off work and we spent 3 days relaxing together. On Friday, we went skiing for the first time. We took lessons first, then hit the slopes for the rest of the day. We had a lot of fun and didn't fall near as much as I had expected. I wish I would have taken some pictures, but I was afraid we would fall on the camera if we carried it with us! We made dinner Friday night and relaxed most of the day Saturday. Saturday night, we went into Blowing Rock and ate some amazing pizza at Mellow Mushroom then walked to Kilwins for some fudge and icecream. Before heading back to the condo, we drove around Chetola to see their display of Christmas lights.
Late Saturday night snow began to fall and we woke up to a winder wonderland on Sunday morning. We took Miley for a walk in the snow and she loved it. We wanted to take her off her leash, but we didn't want her running away or running out in front of a car. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Late Saturday night snow began to fall and we woke up to a winder wonderland on Sunday morning. We took Miley for a walk in the snow and she loved it. We wanted to take her off her leash, but we didn't want her running away or running out in front of a car. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
The ski slopes (we skied down the one on the left) |
Christmas tree in Blowing Rock |
Pretty decorations in downtown Blowing Rock |
Miley in the snow! |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Welcome to our blog!
I’ve always thought that I would start blogging when we have fun news and pictures about our kids, but I’ve decided that since kids are still quite a while away I will give it a try a little early. Who has time to blog when they have kids anyway?!
Chris and I had a great Thanksgiving with my family last week. We saw lots of family and ate lots of good food. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal of the year. Every year it’s the same and full of family specialties. My favorite is Grandmother’s creamed corn, which I have unsuccessfully been trying to replicate for years. We also got to meet our new niece, Leighton Beck. My cousin Sally and her husband (also a Chris) had this precious little girl on November 17. We are so thankful that everyone is healthy and happy!
Over the weekend, Chris and I took a brief trip to the mountains to cut down a Christmas tree. We spent yesterday decorating our apartment and tree for Christmas. Since Miley spent the last few days at Pupsi (doggy camp while we were out of town), she spent the day sleeping on the couch.
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Mother Pearl, Chris, Leighton, and me |
Miley woke up just long enough to give me a look, then went back to sleep :) |
Our beautiful Christmas tree we picked out in the mountains |
I have so many cow ornaments that they have their own tree! |
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